lunes, 26 de octubre de 2015



1)  He ______ English today
      a) spoke
      b) speaks
      c) spokes

2) They ______  a car today
       a) drives
       b) driving
       c) drive

3)  She ______ a cartoon today

     a) draws
     b) drawing
     c) drawes

4)  We ______ today

      a) work
      b) workest
      c) wors

5)  I _______ a house today

     a) bulds
     b) buldes
     c) build

6)   It _______ a book today

      a) reading

      b) reads
      c) read

7)   She _______ French and German today

       a) teaches

       b) teaching
       c) teachs

8)   I _______ in Bogota

       a) lives

       b) live
       c) living

9)    He ______ today

        a) swims

        b) swiming
        c)  swim

10)  you _______ the homework today

         a) does

         b) do
         c) doing     


1)   They_______ a book yesterday

         a) reading

         b) reads
         c) read

2)    We ________ a ice tea yesterday

         a) dranks

         b) drank
         c) dranking

3)     They _______ English yesterday

          a) spoke

          b) spoking
          c) spokes

4)      He _________ freanch and german yesterday

          a) taught
          b) taughts
          c) taughing

5)      They _______ yesterday

           a) works

           b) worked
           c) working

6)       She _______ a cartoon today

           a) draw
           b) drew
           c) drews

7)       He _______ milk yesterday

           a) dranks

           b) drank
           c) drink

8)       They ______ a car yesterday

           a) drive

           b) droves
           c) drove

9)       He _________ yesterday

           a) swim

           b) swam
           c) swams

10)     They ________ yesterday

           a) work

           b) worked
           c) works


1)        Im _________ sport programs

           a) watches

           b) watching
           c) watch

2)       we are _________ coffe now

          a) drinkinng

          b) drinks
          c) drank

3)      They are _________ french and German now

         a) teachs

         b) teachings
         c)  teaching

4)      It is ____________ cartoon now

         a) drawing

         b) draws
         c) draw

5)     He is _________ English now

        a) speak

        b) speaking
        c) speaks

6)     You are_________ a car today

        a) drives

        b) drave
        c) driving

7)     He is _________ now

        a) swimming
        b) swims
        c) swimmings

8)     You are _________ the homework now

         a) do

         b) does
         c) doing

9)      He is _________ now

         a) works

         b) working
         c) work

10)    Im _________ a book now

         a) reading

         b) read
         c)  reads


1)      She was ________ a cartoon last week

          a) draws

          b) drawing
          c)  draw

2)       He was _________ English last week 

          a) speaking

          b) spokes
          c) speak

3)       They were __________ a car last week

           a) drive

           b) driving
           c) drives

4)        I was ____________ a last week

           a) swimming

           b) swim
           c) swimmings

5)       He was __________ the homework last week

          a) does 

          b) doing
          c) do

6)       She was_________ a last week

          a) work

          b) working
          c) works

7)      You were__________ a book last week

         a) reads

         b) readings
         c) reading

8)      It was___________ milk last week

         a) drinking 

         b) drinks
         c)  drink

9)     We were ________ French and German last week

         a) teaching

         b) teaches
         c) teach

10)    She was_________ pizza last week

         a) eats

         b) eating
         c) eat


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